J Balvin Shoot for Dolby Atmos Spot
In September of ‘21 I was tasked with running an Atmos setup on the SET of the live shoot for the J Balvin spot Dolby was creating.
The idea: Rather than blast the on-set music through 1 or 2 speakers from behind the cameras for the talent(s) to perform to. Why not build an Atmos rig as part of the set! Then interview the talent after to see how it may have helped or not helped. It was a big success and a revolutionary idea!
As for my part, it was certainly a challenge both in the setup and the challenges of a live shoot. In the end it was all worked out and overall I had a blast and think it should be considered for all music videos like this one, where the talent is performing live to the music.
This was my Dolby RMU playback setup.
This is the rig holding the speakers. It was raised much higher and then the set you see in the spot was built around it.